2024 Candidates

2024 Candidates

November is coming, Craighead! Make a plan to vote and keep an eye out for these candidates on your ballot:

  • U.S. President/Vice President — Kamala Harris / Tim Walz
  • U.S. Congress, District 1 — Rodney Govens
  • State Senate, District 20 — Erika Askeland
  • State House, District 30 — Hamilton Holmes
  • State House, District 32 — David McAvoy
  • State House, District 36 — Daniel Parker
  • Eastern District Deputy Sheriff — Toby Rand
  • Justice of the Peace, District 1 — Jolene Mullet
  • Justice of the Peace, District 4 — Misty Humway
  • Justice of the Peace, District 5 — Barbara Brown
  • Justice of the Peace, District 7 — Chenoa Summers
  • Justice of the Peace, District 8 — Crystal Bell
  • Justice of the Peace, District 9 — Deborah Johnson

Sample ballots will be available via Voter View in mid-September and will have all candidates in each voter’s district, as well as any ballot issues. Stayed tuned to our social media for sample ballot announcements!

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